Inspirations + Similar Product Case Study: Wrestling in Mainstream Media

I’d recommend this short film, directed to Max Landis to anyone, whether or not they enjoy wrestling. It’s purpose is to explain how wrestling is entertaining and is superior to other TV series such as Game of Thrones. But he also includes popular indie wrestlers in his cast and fits in jokes here and there that fans would recognise.

Landis presents wrestling and it’s characters in a way that makes them amusing to watch, and appealing to people who haven’t seen wrestling. The characters aren’t represented realistically, in-fact, they’re all gender swapped. I’ll use this information in my film by not making Hulk Hogan to realistic to the original, although he is already quite over the top and larger than life in reality.

Mainstream portrayals are normally less than fair. In America especially, they are often seen as steroid abusing brutes and the media is happy to continue creating false rumors to take advantage of that. This article explores how tragic deaths are always attributed to drug abuse, despite their being evidence to suggest otherwise. This all shows that wrestling is looked down on, and even despised by mainstream audiences. Taking this in mind for my film, I’ll have to use a lighthearted approach. The most important part about Hulk Hogan in my film isn’t that he is a wrestler, but that he is just a ridiculous figure that anyone can relate to in some way.wiw 1

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