Characters / Prop List

Hulk Hogan is of course my protagonist. He’s essentially items include his signature bandanna, moustache and sunglasses. He’ll also be wearing a simple button up shirt, as he’s in a formal environment.



The boss that Hogan works under and is hired by is wearing a simple shirt also, and will need an ice pack for a later scene



Tony the Titan will wear either a tank top or some kind of short sleeved shirt to show off his muscles (or lack thereof).




Technical Research: Green Screen

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I looked up a few tutorials for using green screen and downloaded some assets off of YouTube. I used the keyer effect on the footage to make it overlay a simple background I found on google. With this, I made a simple, funny video with almost no effort at all. Now that I’ve developed this skill, I know I could do the exact same process in my FMP film easily. I uploaded the video here.

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Focus Group Analysis

I followed up on my survey with a focus group of people that responded positively to my questions (people that enjoyed The Office and recognised Hulk Hogan). Using this format, I could further analyse their sense of humor and how I could appeal to it.

I talked to four people and asked them why they found The Office funny. Their responses can be condensed into the following points:

-Compelling characters

-Satire comedy

-Realistic, relateable scenarios

I found this exercise very useful as I found it hard previously to describe why I liked mockumentaries. I asked the group if they liked my idea, and all of them were positive and thought it was funny even at face value.


Audience Research Analysis

Target Audience:

My core audience would be wrestling fans. Using YouGov Profiler, I discovered that the average age of these fans is in the 25-39 bracket. meme 1

My audience will primarily be similar to this, although I’d target a slightly younger audience, from 16 to 25. Although I’m trying to appeal to people in that age regardless of whether or not they’re fans of wrestling, wrestling fans will become my core audience simply because of the nature of my film. Some people will decide that the film isn’t for them due to the wrestling content, even though being a fan won’t be crucial to understanding it and finding it funny.

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My secondary audience will be fans of comedy, especially the mockumentary format. In my case study of The Office, I discovered that the average audience is 40 to 54 year old men. This wasn’t the audience I expected, but after conducting my own survey on people in my targeted demographic, I discovered that almost all of them had seen and enjoyed The Office. Because of this statistic, I believe that my film will appeal to my audience. In my survey I also asked people whether or not they knew who Hulk Hogan was. To my surprise, the answers were split down the middle. For people that don’t know him, I hope my brief intro with archive footage will suffice and quickly bring them up to speed without boring them on a subject they don’t care for.


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I typed up the results of my survey. It’s primary purpose was to gauge how many people were familiar with The Office and Hulk Hogan, and ask them what comedies they enjoyed to see what else I could draw inspiration from. From the people that responded positively to my survey, I created a focus group to ask further questions about why this type of comedy appealed to them.