FMP Proposal


Type of Media Product / Film Title / Length of Media:

I’m planning to make a short mockumentary film with a run time of  five to six minutes. The working title right now is simply: Hulk Hogan Goes Back to Work.



After retiring from professional wrestling, Hulk Hogan has to reintegrate into the working world. Inspired by mockumentaries such as The Office, we’ll be following around Hogan as he struggles to deal with everyday life.



Hulk Hogan goes to Job Centre Plus to get himself a new career. After several job interviews where his employers turn him away after hearing his ridiculous credentials including winning a fight with a shark, he finally gets hired working in an office. The cameras follow around Hogan as he struggles in the new environment and keeps getting flashbacks to his pro-wrestling days and hilarity ensues.



Obviously my main character is Hulk Hogan, played by my friend Joel. I don’t know anyone who looks like Hulk of course, but so long as he has the signature mustache, bandanna and sunglasses, he should make for a good enough likeness.

Other minor characters would include interviewers and office workers which would either be just be in the background or have very few lines. I have quite a few people available to play these characters. At one point in the film, Hogan’s old tag partner: Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage makes an appearance to try help him in his new life. He will also need a bandanna and sunglasses at least, and I’ll use archive footage to introduce him to the audience.



For talking head segments with the characters, I will be using the white screen room in the TV studio as it provides a nice backdrop and I can have control over the lighting. I’ll also have a shot outside the Job Centre, showing Hogan going in all embarrassed. Most of the film will take place in the exams office down in the Tower Building, I scouted out the location last week and if I should be able to film in there.



Although I’ll be making my film accessible to non wrestling fans, my core audience will probably have an interest in wrestling. My secondary viewership will come from fans of comedy shows such as The Office and Parks and Recreation as I hope to recreate their mockumentary style. The general audience for Parks and Rec was 16 – 24 year old men, which I’m choosing to target too as I think that demographic would be interested in my film. My survey and focus groups also showed that people in this  age range were amused by my film idea.



The only things I should have to spend money on is outfits and accessories. The generic office workers can just wear button up shirts which I shouldn’t have to buy loads of. For Hogan I’ll need his signature attire, although I won’t need his shirt or anything because he’ll be working in the office too. To get an ensemble together it would set me back about 15 to 20 pounds. As all my locations are local I won’t have to pay anything for transport.



I’ll be self-funding as I don’t need much money.